Hiroshima University Graduate School Originally from Afghanistan


Let Me Live

     If we think about the creation of the human being and its starting point; form joining of spermatozoa and ovum fertilization happen and the two cells XX (female) or XY (male) assign our gender and after that by a biological process that called mitosis the cells make copies and propagate subsequently after 9 month a human being will born with millions cells, and this is the same for all multicellular living organism, especially for human.

     I had no choice for coming in this world and nobody said for me about the earth that what is going on here? How people live together, they love each other or hate one another; they are prejudice or kind hearted, people create peace or produce war weapons to kill me, they are honest and compassionate or cruel and all other good and bad morals that people has but I was not aware about. But I know that I come to this biosphere and joined to the world of billions people to live.

     Yes this is my story I born to live, to growth, to try and do my best to get success and help to the people who need my help, so now you know that I want to live and I want to help human being and create peace and pave the way for a bright future for next generation; Let Me Live.

     I cannot live alone I love all others who come to this world by the same destination and contain same cells as me, so Let Me Live with all other human being in a peaceful atmosphere.

     Children and young generation are like a white paper which you can write about peace and you can write about war and encourage them to hate others and also they are like young trees that you can give them the shape that you want, kindly I ask you that train them honest, love maker, kind hearted, compassionate, and helper to take the hand of others, hug me and others, do not abuse them against me and others; Let Me Live and Love.

    It is not just me and you; there are millions people over the world that shouting for peace and attempts to make peace and love, but there are few persons that will try to make war and use you against me or me against you, we should be smart and intelligent to understand that; there is no advantage and benefit in killing each other or hate one another, we should say {No} for all those person who try to abuse us and we should not be deceived by their words, and speech if they say to hate someone or kill somebody. We all should say for them that Let Me live.

     Peace is the final result of all conflict and battles, people who had problems and was greedy to govern on others created weapons and abused thousands young, meddle aged and elderly to overcome, millions peoples were killed, emigrated, displaced and lost own life, at the end they understood that they are on a wrong way, so they discussed and become regret, here was the birth date of peace, now we should keep peace and try to make it better not just for own for all human being who live over the world, they are one part of our community and we have to think about them because they also come to live and says to us that Let Me live.

     Loving each other and being kind is a miracle, when we human being make peace and accept each other, the universe become calm and peaceful and all living organism which contain plants and animals like birds, fish and others who are in a farm can live and service for us, but if we do not want peace and make conflict and war they also cannot survive and will die, I am sure they also insist and says the words Let me Live and service and produce for you.

     Let’s make it possible and create peace and make bright future for all and shout on war makers that Let me Live. Surely our words are very powerful.


                                                                         With regards

Almas Mohammad Mahdi