Advisors and Staff


Name of the Organization: Global Campaign for Peace Education, Japan


Websites of the organization:


The top page of the official website of Global Campaign for Peace Education, Japan (Japanese);


The suggestion from Global Campaign for Peace Education, Japan (English and Japanese)


The official website of Global Campaign for Peace Education, New York, the U.S.A. (English)


Representative of the organization:

Prof. Matsui, Kathy

Profile: Matsui, Kathy R. PhD, is Professor at the Department of Global Citizenship Studies, Seisen University (Tokyo, Japan) and has taught courses on conflict resolution and peace related subjects. Her research concerns are development of capacities for conflict resolution and reconciliation. She works with peace researchers and educators internationally in International Institute on Peace Education and Global Partnership for Prevention of Armed Conflict. She is currently an advisory board member for Hague Appeal for Peace, Global Campaign for Peace Education, and board chair of Oxfam International, Japan. She is also active in her participation in inter-religious dialogue as the President of International Association for Liberal Religious Women (IALRW), a council member of International Association for Religious Freedom (IARF), and a member of the Women’s Executive Committee, and Peace Education Commission of Religions for Peace (WCRP).

Northeast Asia Regional Peacebuilding Institute (NARPI) 
Conflict Resolution Education Connection (Creducation)

Hague Appeal for Peace, Global Campaign for Peace Education (GCPE)
Hague Appeal for Peace, Global Campaign for Peace Education, Japan (GCPEJ)
International Institute of Peace Education (IIPE)
International Association for Religious Freedom (IARF)
International Association for Liberal Religious Women (IALRW)
World Conference of Religions for Peace   http://religionsfor
World Conference of Religions for Peace, Japan 
Right to Peace International Campaign
Transcend Japan 



The person in charge of this project:

Akamatsu, Atsuko

Institution:  Lecturer at English Department of Sotoku High School in Hiroshima City, Japan, secretary general of the Chushikoku Branch of Global Campaign for Peace Education, Japan

Email address:


Advisors and teachers who cooperate for this project in alphabetical order of their family name:



Asakawa Kazuya: Professor of Tokai Gakuen University; secretary general of the Global Campaign for Peace Education in Japan;

chief organizer of the International Institute on Peace Education 2012 in Japan;

staff member who will attend the International Conference of Peace Museums (the fee for the transportation and attendance of the international conference of museums for peace will be paid by his university);

Chair of Engaged Pedagogy Association,;

Director of NPO Bridge for Peace,;

Director of NPO Ancient Future,;

Director of PEACE NEWS JAPAN,;

Steering Committee Member of NPO ERIC International Education Resource and Innovation Center,;

Associate Member Representative of NPO The Japan Council on the UN Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD-J);

A Translator of Great Peacemakers


Hoshino Kazuhiro: Napoleon Hill Foundation Asia Pacific Ocean headquarters district distributor instructor (Napoleon Hill Foundation headquarters are located in the Indiana State University Calumet campus)


Ikeda Eriko: Director of Women's Active Museum on War and Peacewam)


Kakuta Naoko: Representative of ERIC, International Education Resource & Innovation Center, an organization for education for sustainable development in Japan

Translated "Peace Education: the Passway for the Culture of Peace", which you can read at


Kashimura Mineko: Teacher of English of Otowa Junior High School of Bunkyo Ward, Tokyo; Secretary General of New English Teachers’ Association


Kasuya Takako: Chairperson of Shizuoka Mothers' Congress Liaison Committee; Advisor of Ever Green, a steering committee for events for peace including lectures, trips, interviews, and exhibitions by high school students, teachers, and volunteer citizens of Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan


Kenjo Shohei: Teacher of English of Gunma Prefectural Numata High School; editor of the official website of New English Teachers’ Association


Kikuchi Keiko: Lecturer of Rikkyo University and Daito Bunka University


Nara Katsuyuki: Research fellow at Education and Welfare Center of Shiraume Gakuen University, Director of International Division of New English Teachers Association;

Staff member who will attend the International Conference of Peace Museums;

Translator of Article 9 Association's news and bulletin;

Author of Rise Again Motala!, CHRIS MOON towards a peaceful, mine-free world, Peace Crane Kamishibai


Ohno Kazuo: Lecturer of Toyo University, Member of Association of Teachers of History


Sakamoto Hitomi, Professor at Toyo Gakuen University


Sakuma Kazuko: Lecturer of Sophia University; member of New English; Teachers’ Association; member of Association of Peace Education


Nagata Suwako: Founder and teacher of organic farming in Kenyan NGO Hiro’s Organic Farming Group, which teaches organic farming and marketing to local farmers in its farm and shop in Kenya

coordinator of NEGAI Connection which promoted a song for peace called "NEGAI" produced by Hiroshima Municipal Ohzu Junior High students in 2002 through a website of JEARN (Japan Education and Resource Network) iEARN and have collected more than 2000 peace verses from the world


Shimizu Yayoi: Teacher of English of Hofu Municipal junior high schools and elementary schools; member of New English Teachers’ Association; representative of ESTEEM-yam, Elementary School Thematic English Education Movement, Yamaguchi Branch, an organization for developing thematic English learning for global education in elementary schools; staff member who will attend the International Conference of Peace Museums


Takagi Yoko: former representative of JEARN, an organization to promote international communication among schools (JEARN is a branch of iEARN in Japan. iEARN (International Education and Resource Network) is a non-profit organization made up of over 30,000 schools and youth organizations in more than 140 countries. iEARN empowers teachers and young people to work together online using the Internet and other new communications technologies. Over 2,000,000 students each day are engaged in collaborative project work worldwide. Since 1988, iEARN has pioneered on-line school linkages to enable students to engage in meaningful educational projects with peers in their countries and around the world.

Takeuchi Hisaaki: Associate professor of Tokyo Woman’s Christian University


Watanabe Kuniko: president of Tomo Corporation, a company in Hiroshima that produced the documentary film “Barefoot Gen’s Hiroshima”


Watanabe Tomoko: founder and executive director of ANT-Hiroshima, an NGO involved in a range of relief, reconstruction, and peace-building projects in a number of countries, including Afghanistan, Pakistan, Nepal, and Philippines;

co-founder/coordinator, The Green Legacy Hiroshima Initiative;

vice president of Association for Annapurna Neurological Institute;

board of directors, Hiroshima Peace Culture Foundation


Yanagisawa Tamio: Professor at East Japan International University; Lecturer at Rissho University and Hitotsubashi University; Former president of New English Teachers’ Association


Yamaguchi Ryoko: member of Kyoto Branch of New English Teachers’ Association;

advisor of a sectional meeting for peace education in Japan National Conference of New English Teachers’ Association; member of Allen Nelson Peace Project


Yamane Kazuyo: Associate Professor of Peace Studies at Ritsumeikan University;

Vice director of Kyoto Museum for World Peace;

INMP board member;


<From other countries>

Armer, Isabel: Australian Teacher of English of Bright Future Community Centre, Nepal


Badea, Daniela Teacher of English of Colegiul National "Nichita Stanescu" Ploiesti, Romania


Cabezudo, Alicia : Escuela de Ciencias de la Educación, Universidad Nacional de Rosario, Rosario – Argentina


Castro, Loreta: Program Director of Center for Peace Education Miriam College

Author of “"Peace Education: the Passway for the Culture of Peace," which is downloadable here:




Cates, Kip: Professor, Faculty of Regional Sciences, Tottori University; Assistant Director, Global Education Office, Tottori University; Chair, JALT Global Issues in Language Education SIG ; Editor, JALT Global Issues in Language Education Newsletter; Chair and Founder, Asian Youth Forum (AYF)


Cooper, Bridget: Teacher of Japanese of Sexton High School, Michigan, USA


Court, Eryl: Member of Executive Board of Science for Peace, a Canadian organization consisting of natural scientists, engineers, social scientists, scholars in the humanities and people from the wider community seeking to understand and act against the forces that make for militarism, environmental destruction, and social injustice; member of Executive Board of the Canadian Peace Research Association; Participant in the Unitarian-Universalist United Nations Office, functioning in the Church Centre for the United Nations in New York City

Cubbon, Stephanie Knox :

Peace Education Program Coordinator, Teachers Without Borders

Director of Education, Metta Center for Nonviolence

Adjunct Faculty, Peace Studies Department, San Diego City College


Gelb, Steven: Ph.D co-director of the Peace Education certificate program and professor, University of San Diego, California, USA.


Goren, Marsha: organizer of a website Global Dreamers for students’ messages for peace, Israel

Gressel, Debra: Teacher of fine art of Hathaway Brown School, Ohio, the U.S.A.


Harris, Shelini: Doctoral Candidate Research School of Humanities and the Arts, Australian National University; Formerly Assistant Professor of Peace and Conflict Studies and Religious Studies, Guilford College, USA with a Permaculture Design Certificate, engaged in sustainability and environmental issues as an essential part of peace work (the website of one of the co-founders of permaculture David Holmgren:


Jenkins, Tony: Vice President for Academic Affairs, National Peace Academy, the U.S.A.


Kaplan, Mustafa: Teacher of English of Bayramic MGC Anatolian High School, Turkey


Kester, Kevin: PhD Student at Cambridge University; Founding Member of the Cambridge Peace and Education Research Group ;

Fellow and Lecturer at the Institute for Peace and Conflict Studies, University of Hargeisa, Somaliland

(The Cambridge Peace and Education Research Group is based at the Faculty of Education, University of Cambridge. As a Special Interest Group of the Faculty's Education, Equality and Development (EED) research strand, CPERG provides a hub for the sharing and exchange of ideas among researchers around the relationships between conflict, peace, and education, both in the UK and internationally.)

Leeper, Steven: professor of Hiroshima Jogakuin University, Hiroshima, Japan; former chairperson of Hiroshima Peace Culture Foundation;

Editor of Peace News Japan


Levander, Hans: Senior Medical Doctor, Global Citizen; Chairman Life-Link program, an organization to promote international communication among schools in Sweden


O'Connor, Joan: Director of Global Communities for Peace working with schools and universities in South Australia, developing programs for peace


Peixoto, Manuela:  Teacher at Escola Secundaria de Amores, Braga, Porutugal

Pieroni, Grazia: Teacher of English of San Fillippo International School, Umbria, Italy


Pilmann, Mette: Teacher of English of Ostervangsskolen, Denmark


Rabbani, Rana Ehtisham: Lawyer; former president of District Bar Association, Okara; Pakistan; author of four books on peace; member Board of Directors of GAMIP or Global Alliance for Ministries & Infra Structure of Peace – Switzerland;

Lecturer on peace in educational institutions;

Organizer of exhibitions on devastating effects of atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki


Tchatchouang, Patrick : Teacher of English of Nesta Primary and Secondary School, Douala, Cameroon


Trefilova, Irina: Teacher of English of Lyceum of Dolgorukovo, Lipetsk Region, Russia


Tsoneva, Nina: ESL teacher, Hristo Botev High School, Kubrat, Bulgaria


Wingate, Kristin: Teacher of Japanese of Ridge High School, New Jersey, the U.S.A.; Advisor of Japanese National Honor Society; Treasurer/Webmaster of New Jersey Association of Teachers of Japanese

Yacoobi, Sakena: Founder and Executive Director of the Afghan Institute of Learning, an Afghan women-led NGO to provide teacher training to Afghan women, to support the education of Afghans, and to provide health education to women and children;

the Professor Sakena Yacoobi Private Hospital in Herat, and the Professor Sakena Yacoobi Private High Schools in Kabul and Herat, Afghanistan; former professor at D’Etre University, the U.S.A.;

Vice-President of Creating Hope International, a Michigan based non-profit organization;

Ashoka Fellow;

Skoll and Schwab Social Entrepreneur;

Member of the Global Fund for Women Board of Directors;

Advisor for the Fetzer Institute;

Commissioner for the Women’s Refugee Commission

Ms. Arline Boyle is an American artist who is helping students in San Fillippo International School in Italy.  She allowed us to share her great works for peace. 

"Children of the World"           Ms. Boyle kindly donated this picture to the exhibition of this project,, "Youth Messages for Peace"
"Children of the World" Ms. Boyle kindly donated this picture to the exhibition of this project,, "Youth Messages for Peace"
Arline Boyce Art
Arline Boyce Art
A Hand to Peace on Earth
A Hand to Peace on Earth
A Little Bird Told Me
A Little Bird Told Me
Song Carrier
Song Carrier
Light at a Waterfall
Light at a Waterfall